Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back Online! Finally!

We finally have our computer back. I was able to input all my birding records for the year since I had backed them up. I had to add the birds I've seen over the past couple of weeks. Anyway, now I know where I stand in my property big year.

Birds Seen as of 5/29/08: 111
Birds Seen as of 5/29/04: 106

When I was inputting the birds I've seen over the past couple of weeks, I started thinking of all the birds I haven't seen this year: Worm-eating Warbler, Canada Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Yellow-breasted Chat, Scarlet Tanager, Baltimore Oriole, Bay-breasted Warbler, Blue Grosbeak and all the thrushes. I was a little worried I would be behind quite a bit. I was pleasantly surprised to find I was ahead by six!

A little plug for backing up - If you don't, start today! If I hadn't had my records backed up, I would have lost everything. Now I've got them backed up in three places: on my hard drive, on my external hard drive and on my flash memory stick. I will back up everytime I enter new data in all three places.

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