Friday, February 20, 2009


After five and a half years, a Red-bellied Woodpecker has finally found my feeders! I was beginning to think they would never come to my feeders, although they are regularly in the hackberry tree right behind them. They try to nest every year in the top of a telephone pole at the end of our driveway. This morning there was a male and female there checking out the hole that has been drilled. Unfortunately, there were also a couple of starlings eyeing the same hole. I hope the woodpeckers win that battle.

The male Red-bellied Woodpecker at
the top of the telephone pole in my yard.

A Purple Martin flew over this morning serenading me with his bubbling song. I've got my martin housing up, but I'm beginning to lose hope that I'll ever have martins nest in them. I know it's early in the season, but I'm not anticipating having them this year. But, I'll keep them up just in case!

The Carolina Wren that comes to my suet has been singing his heart out for the past few mornings. I woke up early this morning and listened to the chorus of birds in the pre-light hour. I haven't seen the Eastern Bluebirds that were checking out my nest box in a while. I see the pair that nested in my aunt's yard regularly over there.

We're about two weeks away from when I typically see my first Northern Parula on the property. About a week after that I'll start seeing Hooded Warblers. It's hard to believe spring is upon us again! It will be interesting this spring to see how the birds respond to the thinned woods because of Hurricane Ike. I know our woods took a hard hit. Maybe they'll be easier to see?

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