Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hummingbirds and Possible Pond

Yesterday afternoon, there were 15 to 20 hummingbirds around my feeders. This morning there were 20 to 30 flying around. They were quite active!

Tomorrow we meet with the landman from the oil company to discuss compensation for their use (destruction) of the land. I have proposed digging a pond in the area. That would do a couple of things: 1) It would keep that area from turning into a tallow forest. 2) It would provide some excellent habitat for Wood Ducks, Hooded Mergansers, Prothonotary Warblers and other waterbirds. So, we'll see what they are willing to do. They dug a water well where we could erect a windmill to pump water into the pond if it started to go dry. I would build a blind where I could approach the pond and not scare off any birds that were on it. I hope this happens and the area doesn't turn into yet another tallow forest. There are already several small tallows starting around the edge of the cleared area.

This morning a Red-shouldered Hawk flew across the yard with something in its talons. I couldn't get my binoculars to see what it was.

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