Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I went walking in our woods on Sunday and found several winter migrants there along with most of the "regulars." I found a couple of Northern Flickers, a Hermit Thrush, an Eastern Phoebe and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. I will be interested to see what has come in with the strong north winds we had yesterday.

Two Great Horned Owls have been calling to each other over the past week. I hear them every night when I go outside. They are hanging out around the three acre clearing in the woods that the drilling company cleared.

Update on the drilling: The clean-up is going slowly. They have pulled up some of the boards from the drilling area. They have also pumped the drilling mud back into the casing. They are leveling the pond area and will dig out some more of it once more of the boards are taken up. I think that it's going to be one of my favorite spots on the property. It's so quiet down there. I'm going to build some Wood Duck boxes and see if we can get some nesting around it.

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