Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Potential good birding late this week

With the frontal boundary set to go off the coast sometime Wednesday afternoon bringing rain and north winds with it, we could be in for a good run of birding on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday. Depending on how long the north winds stay (according to Tim Heller on Channel 13, they'll be around through Thursday and into Friday morning), we could see good birding through Friday. While frontal boundaries often make good birding for us, it's really hard on the birds. Imagine flying 500+ miles across the Gulf of Mexico and be met with rain, thunderstorms and headwinds the last 50 to 100 miles of your flight. Last year when this happened, Kristen and I went out into the woods and saw 13 species of warblers on Apr. 29, 2006 and 11 species of warblers on Apr. 30 in approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours of birding each day.

It's 6:42 a.m. and already I've heard a Northern Cardinal visiting my feeders and a Carolina Wren singing on territory.

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