Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Renewed Hatred for House Sparrows

Yesterday, I went out and got my Purple Martin housing ready for their return. A customer told me that the Eastern Bluebirds on her property have already begun making nests in her boxes. I decided to go and check out the box that the bluebirds have used over the past four years. As I walked toward the box, a male House Sparrow flew out. I opened the box and he had already begun constructing a nest. It was obviously a sparrow nest and not the neat, compact nest a bluebird makes. I pulled the nest out and when I did, two bluebird bodies fell out of the box. I examined them and they both had the classic look of a sparrow kill. He probably watched for them to enter the box and then went in and killed them. He built the nest on top of their bodies. I will begin this weekend a new effort to rid the world of as many House Sparrows as possible. I modified my trap to keep the blackbirds and larger birds out and will begin trapping again. I hate House Sparrows!

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